Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

Puasa, Acha Ngiler Air Es

Bulan puasa godaan yang ringan jadi terasa berat. Acha Septriasa yang biasanya jarang minum air es di luar bulan puasa jadi sering dibuat ngiler."Godaan terbesar yah kalau ngeliat air es, kayaknya seger banget," ujarnya saat ditemui di Studio Penta, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat.Untungnya godaan itu mampu dilewatinya dengan baik. Itu tak lain karena Acha benar-benar berniat ingin menjalankan puasa

Urus Tiga Anak Bikin Puasa Arzetti Tidak Berat

Mengurus tiga buah hatinya yang masih kecil tak membuat Arzetti kesulitan saat berpuasa. Justru menurutnya, puasanya semakin terasa ringan."Justru jadi nggak terasa puasanya," ujar Arzetti yang ditemui di Thamrin City (eks JACC), Jakarta Pusat, Minggu (30/8/2009).Saat menghadiri acara fesyen, Arzetti memang selalu membawa ketiga buah hatinya. Namun ia tak pernah merasa terbebani. Menurutnya

Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009

Angeliq Tidak Tertarik dengan Berondong

Status janda tidak membuat penyanyi Angeliq cepat jatuh cinta dengan pria. Ia mengaku pilih-pilih soal urusan cinta. Cowok berondong tidak masuk pilihannya.Janda Rhoma Irama itu digosipkan sedang didekati oleh vokalis band Tuesday, Rizal. Walau Rizal terlihat tertarik dengan Angeliq, namun perempuan berkulit putih itu memilih mengatakan tidak."Kalau gue ABG mungkin dia tipikal gue," ujarnya

Batal Menikah, Nuri Maulida Kembalikan Seserahan

Kandas sudah rencana pernikahan Nuri Maulida dan kekasihnya Ferry Setiawan. Seakan tak ingin menyimpan kenangan, Nuri mengembalikan semua pemberian Ferry untuk melamarnya."Kaget banget yah ketika dibalikin seserahan. Tapi ya, saya harus terima dengan ikhlas," ujar Ferry yang berbincang dengan detikhot usai Salat Tarawih, Jumat (28/8/2009).Menurut Ferry, perjalanannya dengan Nuri telah cukup jauh.

Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

Nyctagina Pilih Jadi Dokter Kandungan Karena Lebih Happy

Nyctagina atau lebih dikenal dengan 'Jeng Kelin' tengah menyelesaikan studinya untuk menjadi dokter. Ia ingin mengambil spesialis dikter kandungan. Alasannya karena lebih happy.Kini Gina sapaan akrabnya telah menjadi sarjana kedokteran salah satu universitas swasta. Ia pun tengah menunggu proses Co. Ass. Jika tak ada halangan, Gina akan meneruskan studinya dan mengambil spesialisasi dokter

Cathy Sharon Suka Gaya Campur Aduk

Jika banyak selebritis yang memiliki gaya yang khusus, Chaty Sharon sebaliknya. Ia tak pernah pilih-pilih dalam bergaya. Justru gayanya terkesan campur aduk.Cathy menggunakan susana hatinya untuk memilih busana yang akan dipakainya. Kadang ia bisa sangat feminin, namun di lain waktu malah tampil sebaliknya."Aku nggak ikut trend. Tergantung kata hati saja. Kalau kita senang pakai baju, aku juga

Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

Thalita Latief Penasaran Jadi Orang Sakit Jiwa

Meskipun sudah tampil di beberapa sinetron dan layar lebar, aktris Thalita Latief ternyata masih punya peran impian. Bintang 'Lawang Sewu' masih penasaran dengan karakter yang mengalami sakit jiwa."Gue ingin coba peran orang sakit jiwa," ujar pemain sinetron 'Putri' itu saat ditemui di Studio Cawang ANTV, Jakarta Timur, Jumat (28/8/2009).Thalita mengungkapkan sudah pernah menjajal peran

Devi Permatasari Jualan Kue di Bulan Puasa

Banyak orang yang memanfaatkan bulan Ramadan untuk mengais rezeki, termasuk artis Devi Permatasari. Devi pun ikut menjual kue kering untuk perayaan Lebaran mendatang."Di bulan puasa ini aku punya kesibukan bisnis kue," ujarnya saat ditemui di studio Penta, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Kamis (27/8/2009).Bintang 'Si Manis Jembatan Ancol' itu mengungkapkan permintaan pelanggannya meningkat dua kali

Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

Virnie Ismail Ingat Dosa di Hari Ulang Tahun

Virnie Ismail berulang tahun. Di hari istimewa itu, Virnie mengingat sejumlah khilaf dan dosa yang pernah dilakukannya."Aku sedih banget, di usia yang seperti ini aku masih banyak berbuat dosa dan khilaf," ujarnya saat merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-30 di komplek perumahan Emerald Residence Bintaro Sektor 9, Tangerang, Banten, Senin (24/8/2009) malam.Sebagai perempuan yang berusia matang,

Ultah, Luna Maya Ditilang Polisi

Rabu (26/8/2009), artis serba bisa Luna Maya merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-26. Berbagai kado pun telah diterimanya, tapi yang paling istimewa yaitu surat tilang dari polisi lalu lintas.Hal itu dialami Luna saat melintas di Jl. Jend Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (26/8/2009) pagi. Kebetulan isi mobil yang ditumpangi kekasih Ariel 'Peterpan' itu kurang dari tiga orang."Tadi pagi pas mau ke sini

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Gisel 'Idol' Belum Mau Dinikahi Desta

Gisel 'Idol' mengaku klop dengan kekasihnya, Desta 'Club Eighties'. Walau begitu, Gisel mengaku belum mau dinikahi oleh bintang film 'Si Jago Merah' tersebut.Penyanyi bernama asli Gisella Anastasia itu mengaku nyaman dengan hubungan yang ia jalani bersama Desta saat ini. Keduanya pun sepakat untuk tak buru-buru menuju pelaminan."Aku ngerasa belum jadi apa-apa. Jadi belum mikir untuk menikah.

Revalina Menyibukkan Diri Selama Bulan Puasa

Melakukan ibadah puasa tidak mengurungkan niat Revalina S. Temat untuk tetap beraktifitas. Meskipun tidak sedang syuting film atau sinetron, Reva pun semakin menyibukkan diri."Daripada di rumah nggak ngapain-ngapain jadi sibukkin diri di luar. Pas mau buka baru ingin pulang ke rumah," ujar bintang 'Perempuan Berkalung Surban' itu saat ditemui di Studio Cawang, Jakarta Timur, Selasa (25/8/2009).

Calon Janda, Alice Norin Direstui Keluarga

Perceraian Alice Norin dan suaminya Riri tampaknya akan berjalan mulus. Bukan hanya Alice dan Riri yang sepakat bercerai. keluarga kedua belah pihak pun mendukung."Bisa dibilang, ini keputusan sanak keluarga dan dikembalikan ke kita," ujar Alice saat jumpa pers di kediamannya Jl Haji Saidi I A/ 59 A, Cipete, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (25/8/2009).Sebelum sepakat bercerai, Riri dan Alice memang sudah

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

Krisdayanti Siap Gugat Cerai Anang?

Baru-baru ini beredar kabar kalau penyanyi Krisdayanti siap untuk menggugat cerai sang suami, Anang. Namun saat dikonfirmasi, KD enggan untuk mengomentari kabar tersebut karena takut emosi."Saya nggak mau menanggapi dulu nanti takutnya saya malah emosi," ujarnya saat ditemui di acara Dahsyat HUT RCTI ke-20, studio 4, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Senin (24/8/2009).Saat ini, pelantun 'Menghitung

Nyanyi Lagu Religi, Kiki Amalia Ubah Penampilan

Ada yang berubah dari Kiki Amalia. Busananya kini lebih tertutup. Ternyata hal itu karena kini ia tengah promo single religi miliknya."Penampilan memang mengikuti lagu. Memang harus tertutup. Tapi keseharian sih biasa saja. Casual," ujar Kiki yang ditemui di Studio Penta, Kebon Jeruk, jakarta Barat, Senin (24/8/2009).Kiki kini tengah mengadu peruntungannya di dunia musik. Ia berduet dengan Icha

Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Lenggak-lenggok Puteri Indonesia di Miss Universe

Keikutsertaan Indonesia di ajang Miss Universe tidak pernah mulus. Selalu ada kontroversi yang mengiringi perwakilan Indonesia di kontes ratu sejagat tersebut. Berikut lenggak-lenggok Puteri Indonesia di Miss Universe.Miss Universe pertama kali dihelat pada 1952 silam di Long Beach, California. Awalnya ajang tersebut hanya untuk mempromosikan pakaian renang merk Catalina.Seiring berjalannya waktu

Puasa, Acha Septriasa Kurangi Bicara

Tiap orang punya kebiasaan tersendiri untuk menjalani mengatasi aktivitasnya di bulan Ramadan. Acha Septriasa misalnya. Ia memilij untuk mengurangi bicara.Menurut Acha dengn mengurangi bicara akan menghemat sedikit energinya. Acha mengaku tak memangkas kegiatannya dengan alasan berpuasa."Aku lebih nggak banyak ngomong. Tapi aku profesional aja. Puasa kan ibadah. Jangan jadikan sebagai alasan,"

Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

Sherina Rajin Wushu Jelang Buka Puasa

Puasa tetap lancar dan sehat, Sherina punya tips tersendiri. Mantan penyanyi cilik itu rajin melakukan wushu menjelang waktu berbuka puasa."Aku olahraga wushu menjelang buka, jadi ngabuburitnya olahraga," ujar Sherina ditemui dalam acara ultah RCTI ke-20 di Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Minggu (23/8/2009).Daripada menghabiskan waktu ngabuburit dengan jalan-jalan, Sherina pilih berolahraga. Tak

Ardina Rasti Wajib Khatam Qur'an Tiap Ramadan

Setiap keluarga punya kebiasaan masing-masing di bulan Ramadan. Ardina Rasti salah satunya. Keluarganya mewajibkan Rasti untuk khatam Qur'an."Semoga bisa khatam lagi tahun ini," ujar Rasti ditemui dalam acara ulang tahun ke-20 RCTI di Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Minggu (23/8/2009).Selain khatam membaca kitab suci, kekasih Lucky Wija itu tak melewatkan salat lima waktu dan tarawih. Di tengah

Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

Whitney Port Shows Off Her Bra In Central Park

Whitney Port Bra Central Park 1

MTV "The Hills" blonde-tastic babe Whitney Port took some time out of her busy schedule to relax in New York's Central Park the other day. Yeah, it was a nice sunny day so heck, why not enjoy some sunbathing right? Sure, why not. Thing was though, she wasn't wearing a bikini - she was in her city clothes so bummer - all covered up... what's a gal to do? Then she got a great idea - just take off her shirt! Yeah, she's got a bra on after-all - it's like a bikini top right? No problemo. So off with that pesky shirt and yeah... just soak up those rays. Well, it sure is a nice view of that bra... and a couple of other things too... yum! Enjoy the view here at Sexy Celebrity Girlz - Cheers.

Whitney Port Bra Central Park 2
Whitney Port Bra Central Park 3
Whitney Port Bra Central Park 4

Whitney Port Shows Off Her Bra In Central Park

Whitney Port Bra Central Park 1

MTV "The Hills" blonde-tastic babe Whitney Port took some time out of her busy schedule to relax in New York's Central Park the other day. Yeah, it was a nice sunny day so heck, why not enjoy some sunbathing right? Sure, why not. Thing was though, she wasn't wearing a bikini - she was in her city clothes so bummer - all covered up... what's a gal to do? Then she got a great idea - just take off her shirt! Yeah, she's got a bra on after-all - it's like a bikini top right? No problemo. So off with that pesky shirt and yeah... just soak up those rays. Well, it sure is a nice view of that bra... and a couple of other things too... yum! Enjoy the view here at Sexy Celebrity Girlz - Cheers.

Whitney Port Bra Central Park 2
Whitney Port Bra Central Park 3
Whitney Port Bra Central Park 4

Uhm.. Yeah... Britney Spears Still Looks Great In A Bikini

Britney Spears White Bikini 1
Sooo remember how Britney Spears used to look in her bikini back when she first hit the big-time? Like hot as freakin' hell? That of course was back before she pushed out two wee ones and was younger and not yet really fully developed and hadn't yet gone crazy and before dealing with K-Fed and all that... okay, so how does she look in a bikini - NOW? Hmmm.... well, let's take a gander at her as she relaxes in Los Angeles a few days ago poolside and sporting a white bikini... right so Sexy Celebrity Girlz is here to confirm that she's still hot as hell! Seriously she looky good don't ya think? She does that's just all there is to it - so enjoy the candid Britney bikini pics - Cheers.

Britney Spears White Bikini 2
Britney Spears White Bikini 3
Britney Spears White Bikini 4
Britney Spears White Bikini 5

Uhm.. Yeah... Britney Spears Still Looks Great In A Bikini

Britney Spears White Bikini 1
Sooo remember how Britney Spears used to look in her bikini back when she first hit the big-time? Like hot as freakin' hell? That of course was back before she pushed out two wee ones and was younger and not yet really fully developed and hadn't yet gone crazy and before dealing with K-Fed and all that... okay, so how does she look in a bikini - NOW? Hmmm.... well, let's take a gander at her as she relaxes in Los Angeles a few days ago poolside and sporting a white bikini... right so Sexy Celebrity Girlz is here to confirm that she's still hot as hell! Seriously she looky good don't ya think? She does that's just all there is to it - so enjoy the candid Britney bikini pics - Cheers.

Britney Spears White Bikini 2
Britney Spears White Bikini 3
Britney Spears White Bikini 4
Britney Spears White Bikini 5

Shakira's Wide Open Shirt

Shakira's Wide Open Shirt
Shakira... mmmmm.... Shakira is back baby! The Columbian pop tart is steaming up the charts again with her new single "She-Wolf" and the crazy sexy cool video (check out the Shakira Is Very Flexible to see the vid-caps) is just steenkin' hot. Well, when you've got an album to promote - what's a girl gonna do? She's gonna expose a whole lot of her awesome girl-flesh in some sweet magazine photo shoots of course - so lucky us! This time she's in Gente magazine and opening her shirt pretty wide there to expose some cleavage and her yummy tummy plus showing off the legs, the bare shoulder and her luscious blonde mane. It's all good - so enjoy the Shakira here at Sexy Celebrity Girlz - Cheers.

Shakira's Bare Shoulder
Shakira's Blonde Hair

Shakira's Wide Open Shirt

Shakira's Wide Open Shirt
Shakira... mmmmm.... Shakira is back baby! The Columbian pop tart is steaming up the charts again with her new single "She-Wolf" and the crazy sexy cool video (check out the Shakira Is Very Flexible to see the vid-caps) is just steenkin' hot. Well, when you've got an album to promote - what's a girl gonna do? She's gonna expose a whole lot of her awesome girl-flesh in some sweet magazine photo shoots of course - so lucky us! This time she's in Gente magazine and opening her shirt pretty wide there to expose some cleavage and her yummy tummy plus showing off the legs, the bare shoulder and her luscious blonde mane. It's all good - so enjoy the Shakira here at Sexy Celebrity Girlz - Cheers.

Shakira's Bare Shoulder
Shakira's Blonde Hair

Kim Kardashian Is A Hot and Leggy Blonde Babe

Kim Kardashian Blonde and Leggy 1
Would you just look at our favorite pampered Reality TV princess - the bum-tastic Kim Kardashian - as she shows off her fresh blonde haired looks and smoking hot legs? D@mn I am just loving her as a blonde! She is just sooooooo freaking yummy. This time around she's at the Bolthouse Photography Exhibit -- whatever the hell that is - like I care in the least -- and her whole put together look just seems to have gone on to a whole other level. She's leaving that dead wood (aka her sisters Khloe, the one who looks like Lurch, and Kourtney, the preggers one, behind - they appear to have their own new show on E - wondering how that'll fare without Kimmy on board?) behind and is going to be making a CD and then onto movies and perfumes and... hey, this sounds a bit familiar... Paris Hilton anyone? Still I love looking at 'em both - I just don't want to hear them sing so much... or watch them act like wooden planks -- but in picture form they're awesome. So enjoy the pics of Kimmy - Cheers.

Kim Kardashian Beautiful Blonde

Kim Kardashian Is A Hot and Leggy Blonde Babe

Kim Kardashian Blonde and Leggy 1
Would you just look at our favorite pampered Reality TV princess - the bum-tastic Kim Kardashian - as she shows off her fresh blonde haired looks and smoking hot legs? D@mn I am just loving her as a blonde! She is just sooooooo freaking yummy. This time around she's at the Bolthouse Photography Exhibit -- whatever the hell that is - like I care in the least -- and her whole put together look just seems to have gone on to a whole other level. She's leaving that dead wood (aka her sisters Khloe, the one who looks like Lurch, and Kourtney, the preggers one, behind - they appear to have their own new show on E - wondering how that'll fare without Kimmy on board?) behind and is going to be making a CD and then onto movies and perfumes and... hey, this sounds a bit familiar... Paris Hilton anyone? Still I love looking at 'em both - I just don't want to hear them sing so much... or watch them act like wooden planks -- but in picture form they're awesome. So enjoy the pics of Kimmy - Cheers.

Kim Kardashian Beautiful Blonde

Hot Male Celebs (Who Are Also Smart!)


Hot Guy = Good…when he keeps his mouth closed.
Smart Guy = Good…after you rid him of those light wash/reverse fit jeans.

But a hot, smart guy? Who also happens to be a gifted actor?
Uh, marry me?

We all love ogling hot celebs, but ogling hot AND smart celebs is even better! Believe it or not, many Hollywood stars have both the looks and the brains, whether they attended an Ivy League college or are involved in worldwide social activism.

Here are 10 male celebrities who have the whooooole package. A package I’d like to take home to mama:

John Krasinski


We all love Jim Halpert from The Office. He is utterly adorable and clearly too smart for a desk job selling paper. And, as luck would have it, so is the actor that plays him! John Krasinski studied theater at Brown University, even writing a play as his honors thesis. Not bad, Halpert, not bad at all.

Kal Penn


Don’t let his antics in Harold and Kumar fool you, because Kal Penn is one smart guy. His character on House was written out of the show so that Penn could take up the post of Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison in the Obama administration. Plus, he’s currently pursuing a graduate certificate in international security at Stanford. Stanford? Obama? He’s making me swoon already!

Hugh Grant


We all know that Hugh Grant is a little…well, awkward, in the way that British actors often are. But he’s not just a bumbling, pretty man – he’s a smart, bumbling, pretty man! Grant attended Oxford University on a scholarship, studying literature and even graduating with honors. That explains why he was so wonderful as Edward Ferrars in Sense & Sensibility!

Jon Stewart


Jon Stewart is pretty much the rockstar of late-night satirical news. Despite his height and, well, age, he’s one silver fox! But that’s not all; Stewart attended the college of William and Mary and is the host of The Daily Show, perhaps the only news show that actually forces the viewer to think critically about politics and events in the news. And, admit it, you try to incorporate his musings and witticisms into your political science and government papers. You know you do.

Matt Damon


Matt Damon must’ve had himself in mind when he co-wrote the screenplay of Good Will Hunting with his buddy Ben Affleck. Damon attended Harvard University and studied English there, although before he could graduate, he dropped out to pursue his acting career. We can forgive that, Matt, since your career has been a success…and since you’re so nice to look at…

James Franco


James Franco has a reputation for being – well, a bit too similar to his drug-dealing character in Pineapple Express, although he’s a major hottie even with the greasy hair. But he’s definitely no slacker; just look at his pursuit of higher education. Franco attended UCLA, graduating with a degree in English, and is currently pursuing an MFA in Writing at Columbia University and studying filmmaking at New York University. I have to say, I’m impressed with his ability to juggle two schools as well as a movie career. Now that takes a lot of talent!

Chris Noth


We know Chris Noth for his role as the enigmatic Mr. Big on Sex and the City. And, as you can see, he’s one good-looking man. But did you know that he received an MFA from the Yale School of Drama, acting in twenty-five plays while he was there? One thing’s for sure: this man was born to act. And his ability to make Carrie Bradshaw (and her loyal viewers) swoon is proof of that!

George Clooney


It is only fitting that George Clooney continues to help others after achieving stardom thanks in part to his role on ER in the 90s. Now, he is not only an outspoken liberal and supporter of President Barack Obama, but he is also a leading voice in the campaign to end the genocide in Darfur. Time Magazine named him one of the 100 Most Influential People for “using star power to illuminate the crisis in Darfur.” Now here’s a man using his celebrity power for good. A lot of celebs can learn a thing or two from him. *cough cough Paris Hilton cough cough*

Will Smith


Newsweek has it right: Will Smith is definitely the most powerful actor on the planet. He’s gorgeous, a successful actor, a musician – and, pretty damn smart! Smith once won a scholarship to MIT, but he turned it down in order to pursue music. Not a bad move, Will. Look at where you are now!

Edward Norton


Edward Norton is the actor’s actor. He is very serious about his craft and reluctant to embrace his celebrity status (as evidenced by the furrowed brow and whisper of “Who’s he?” that is undoubtedly falling from your lips right now). The fact that he studied history at Yale University might explain his uncanny level of dedication and discipline. Norton is a certainly gentleman and a scholar…and quite a good-looking specimen!

Hot Male Celebs (Who Are Also Smart!)


Hot Guy = Good…when he keeps his mouth closed.
Smart Guy = Good…after you rid him of those light wash/reverse fit jeans.

But a hot, smart guy? Who also happens to be a gifted actor?
Uh, marry me?

We all love ogling hot celebs, but ogling hot AND smart celebs is even better! Believe it or not, many Hollywood stars have both the looks and the brains, whether they attended an Ivy League college or are involved in worldwide social activism.

Here are 10 male celebrities who have the whooooole package. A package I’d like to take home to mama:

John Krasinski


We all love Jim Halpert from The Office. He is utterly adorable and clearly too smart for a desk job selling paper. And, as luck would have it, so is the actor that plays him! John Krasinski studied theater at Brown University, even writing a play as his honors thesis. Not bad, Halpert, not bad at all.

Kal Penn


Don’t let his antics in Harold and Kumar fool you, because Kal Penn is one smart guy. His character on House was written out of the show so that Penn could take up the post of Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison in the Obama administration. Plus, he’s currently pursuing a graduate certificate in international security at Stanford. Stanford? Obama? He’s making me swoon already!

Hugh Grant


We all know that Hugh Grant is a little…well, awkward, in the way that British actors often are. But he’s not just a bumbling, pretty man – he’s a smart, bumbling, pretty man! Grant attended Oxford University on a scholarship, studying literature and even graduating with honors. That explains why he was so wonderful as Edward Ferrars in Sense & Sensibility!

Jon Stewart


Jon Stewart is pretty much the rockstar of late-night satirical news. Despite his height and, well, age, he’s one silver fox! But that’s not all; Stewart attended the college of William and Mary and is the host of The Daily Show, perhaps the only news show that actually forces the viewer to think critically about politics and events in the news. And, admit it, you try to incorporate his musings and witticisms into your political science and government papers. You know you do.

Matt Damon


Matt Damon must’ve had himself in mind when he co-wrote the screenplay of Good Will Hunting with his buddy Ben Affleck. Damon attended Harvard University and studied English there, although before he could graduate, he dropped out to pursue his acting career. We can forgive that, Matt, since your career has been a success…and since you’re so nice to look at…

James Franco


James Franco has a reputation for being – well, a bit too similar to his drug-dealing character in Pineapple Express, although he’s a major hottie even with the greasy hair. But he’s definitely no slacker; just look at his pursuit of higher education. Franco attended UCLA, graduating with a degree in English, and is currently pursuing an MFA in Writing at Columbia University and studying filmmaking at New York University. I have to say, I’m impressed with his ability to juggle two schools as well as a movie career. Now that takes a lot of talent!

Chris Noth


We know Chris Noth for his role as the enigmatic Mr. Big on Sex and the City. And, as you can see, he’s one good-looking man. But did you know that he received an MFA from the Yale School of Drama, acting in twenty-five plays while he was there? One thing’s for sure: this man was born to act. And his ability to make Carrie Bradshaw (and her loyal viewers) swoon is proof of that!

George Clooney


It is only fitting that George Clooney continues to help others after achieving stardom thanks in part to his role on ER in the 90s. Now, he is not only an outspoken liberal and supporter of President Barack Obama, but he is also a leading voice in the campaign to end the genocide in Darfur. Time Magazine named him one of the 100 Most Influential People for “using star power to illuminate the crisis in Darfur.” Now here’s a man using his celebrity power for good. A lot of celebs can learn a thing or two from him. *cough cough Paris Hilton cough cough*

Will Smith


Newsweek has it right: Will Smith is definitely the most powerful actor on the planet. He’s gorgeous, a successful actor, a musician – and, pretty damn smart! Smith once won a scholarship to MIT, but he turned it down in order to pursue music. Not a bad move, Will. Look at where you are now!

Edward Norton


Edward Norton is the actor’s actor. He is very serious about his craft and reluctant to embrace his celebrity status (as evidenced by the furrowed brow and whisper of “Who’s he?” that is undoubtedly falling from your lips right now). The fact that he studied history at Yale University might explain his uncanny level of dedication and discipline. Norton is a certainly gentleman and a scholar…and quite a good-looking specimen!

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