Jumat, 03 Oktober 2008

Donita Hot Seksi

Donita with the complete name is Noni Anissa Ramadhani, was born in Bandung, West Java, on February 14 1989. He was known as the model, the film star, and the wide screen. The star that had become the Shampoo Zinc advertisement model, Tisu Tessa had starred in several films, among them the CINTA FITRI, BENCI JADI CINTA, MAK COMBLANG, SUMPAH GUE SAYANG LO, MAKIN SAYANG, DEWA ASMARA. Moreover the star of FTV CINTA 100% and KAPAN AKU PUNYA PACAR headed his action in the wide screen in 2007, through the horror film is SUSTER NGESOT . than Donita playing as the supporting actress in the BESTFRIEND film? (2008) Donita could establish the love with actor Randy Pangalila. They playing together in CINTA FITRI. but this love of the couple of the religious difference did not take place old. They were apart in August 2008.

Want Hotter ??

Donita Hot Seksi

Donita with the complete name is Noni Anissa Ramadhani, was born in Bandung, West Java, on February 14 1989. He was known as the model, the film star, and the wide screen. The star that had become the Shampoo Zinc advertisement model, Tisu Tessa had starred in several films, among them the CINTA FITRI, BENCI JADI CINTA, MAK COMBLANG, SUMPAH GUE SAYANG LO, MAKIN SAYANG, DEWA ASMARA. Moreover the star of FTV CINTA 100% and KAPAN AKU PUNYA PACAR headed his action in the wide screen in 2007, through the horror film is SUSTER NGESOT . than Donita playing as the supporting actress in the BESTFRIEND film? (2008) Donita could establish the love with actor Randy Pangalila. They playing together in CINTA FITRI. but this love of the couple of the religious difference did not take place old. They were apart in August 2008.

Want Hotter ??

Donita Hot Seksi

Donita with the complete name is Noni Anissa Ramadhani, was born in Bandung, West Java, on February 14 1989. He was known as the model, the film star, and the wide screen. The star that had become the Shampoo Zinc advertisement model, Tisu Tessa had starred in several films, among them the CINTA FITRI, BENCI JADI CINTA, MAK COMBLANG, SUMPAH GUE SAYANG LO, MAKIN SAYANG, DEWA ASMARA. Moreover the star of FTV CINTA 100% and KAPAN AKU PUNYA PACAR headed his action in the wide screen in 2007, through the horror film is SUSTER NGESOT . than Donita playing as the supporting actress in the BESTFRIEND film? (2008) Donita could establish the love with actor Randy Pangalila. They playing together in CINTA FITRI. but this love of the couple of the religious difference did not take place old. They were apart in August 2008.

Want Hotter ??

Titi Kamal Dan Christia Sugiono Rencanakan Liburan

Titi Kamal Dan Christia Sugiono Rencanakan Liburan

Titi Kamal tahun ini benar-benar sibuk, karena dia membintangi lima film sekaligus.

Kekasih Christian Sugiono yang sempat menangis karena dikritik wartawan ini mengatakan karena jenuh dirinya berniat liburan dengan Tian, panggilan akrab Chistian Sugiono.

Tetapi Titi belum tahu mengenai tempat yang tepat untuk liburan nanti.

Titi Kamal dan Christian Sugiono baru-baru ini disatukan dalam satu film Malaysia Tipu Kanan Tipu kiri.

Kamis, 02 Oktober 2008

Dipa Dipura Putra Miing Bagito Yang Jadi Kopassus

Miing BagitoDipa Dipura Putra Miing Bagito Yang Jadi Kopassus

Letda (Inf) Dipa Dipura adalah putra sulung dari pentolan pelawak Bagito yang baru saja dinyatakan lulus pendidikan menjadi anggota Kopassus.

Miing diberi kesempatan untuk menyematkan brevet komando pada anaknya Dipa Dipura.

Tentu perasaan bangga yang dirasakan Miing karena sudah menyumbangkan anaknya bagi bangsa dan negara.

Ternyata bakat militer anak Miing diperoleh dari kakeknya yang dulu adalah seorang militer.

Selamat ya Mas Dipa dan Om Miing...

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2008

Masayu dan Lembu Beda Pendapat soal Anak Sebelas

Masayu dan Lembu Beda Pendapat soal Anak Sebelas

Setelah menikah tentunya ingin mempunyai momongan atau anak. Demikian juga dengan pengantin baru Masayu dan Lembu Club Eighties.

Uniknya Masayu dan Lembu Club Eighties berbeda pendapat mengenai berapa banyak jumlah anak yang akan mereka miliki nanti.

Masayu, bintang film Buruan Cium Gue dan Kawin Kontrak, menginginkan kesebelasan anak, sementara Lembu tidak menginginkannya.

Hehe, ok deh silahkan didiskusikan dulu.

Selasa, 30 September 2008

Aura Kasih - sexy singer - Hampir bugil

Sexy singer indonesia aura kasih, new album , she the hottest singer of the year, Aura kasih " Goyangan mau" she has a good singer and very sexy ho body, "Goyangan anas aura kasih" Hot dance on new album of aura kasih

From beginning the appearance, singer Aura Kasih affection has formed sexy image in every the appearance. but Aura Kasih admit never want to let loose sexy clothes.

Follow 'Mari Bercinta' singer that is sexiest must not be seen from appearance. manner speaks and posed to also can be assumed sexy.

" That section can be seen from character. but really a large part man really sexy from physical, " said Aura Kasih met at Pewayangan building, beautiful Indonesia miniature, Jakarta east.

Aurah kasih have a sexy lips, good toket ( and we aal say " sedikit bugil " on video album"
But although such Aura Kasih not dispute if the first clip video really wear minimum clothes with exotic dance. temporary at second clip video also the grand stand appearance, Aura Kasih carefuler in choose clothes.

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