Kamis, 07 April 2011

Akui Foto Seronok, Sheila Marcia Minta Maaf

Foto seronok perempuan mirip Sheila Marcia beredar di sebuah forum internet. Sheila akhirnya mengakui, memang dirinya di foto itu. Beredar tiga foto Sheila yang lumayan seronok. Satu foto berisi posenya dengan seorang lelaki, mereka seolah tengah melakukan seks dengan gaya doggy style. Keduanya berpakaian lengkap.

Anand Releasing Aurelle Willing To Go To Dilli Following Krisdayanti

Anand Releasing Aurelle Willing To Go To Dilli Following Krisdayanti

Anang Hermansyah, KD ex-husband finally willing to release his daughter, Aurelle went to Dilli to follow her mother after KD married. Aurelle asked the father, Anang to allow Aurelle stay at home and Raul at Dilli Krisdayanti, and Anand allowed.

Aurelle hopes to eventually go to Dilli, because Aurelle can not wait to visit Dili, because the word mother ever tell you about the beauty of the city of Dili. For example, beautiful scenery, there are beaches, and malls are also very nice and cool.

And now Aurelle deeply missed once with his mother, knowing already more than a week Aurelle not yet met with her mother.

Tags : Setelah KD menikah Anang setuju Aurelle menginap di Dilli, Anang Rela Aurelle menyusul KD ke Dilli,Pernikahan KD Membuat Anang Setuju Aurelle Pergi ke Dilli,After KD married Aurelle Anand agreed to stay at Dilli, Anand Real Aurelle following the KD to Dilli, KD Making Marriage Anand Agree Aurelle Go to Dilli.

Rabu, 06 April 2011

The Section Jupe Rival Is Feeling Malinda Dee

The Section Jupe Rival Is Feeling Malinda Dee

Artist sexy Julia Perez, who is also known as one of the artist is always to look sexy, feel unrivaled since the burglary case made ​​by credit card Malinda Dee is busy discussed.

Jupe feel so far no one rival, he said, Malinda isis basin ,take the money of Rp 17 billion has spelled boom sex ,while Jupe should pursue a new career for 4 years spelled boom sex .

Gaston Castano footballer lover was always maintain body shape and appearance, which Jupe do is always keep the diet and regular exercise. And Jupe also always be grateful because it has a proportionate body.

Tags: Feeling Jupe rivaled Malinda Dee, Love Jupe 'Gaston Castano', Beloved Jupe A Football Players, Jupe Who Has The Sexy Body Shape, Artist Boom Sex 'Jupe',Jupe Merasa Disaingi Malinda Dee, Kekasih Jupe 'Gaston Castano', Kekasih Jupe Seorang Pemain Bola,Jupe Yang Mempunyai Bentuk Tubuh Yang Seksi,Artis Boom Sex 'Jupe'.

Selasa, 05 April 2011

Lama Vakum Menyanyi, Ika Putri Siap-siap Wisuda

Penyanyi soundtrack film 'The Virgin', Ika Putri boleh berlega hati. Artis asal Kota Pahlawan ini tak lama lagi akan meraih gelar sarjana di Universitas Airlangga.Setelah dua tahun (sejak 2009) menyelesaikan bahan tugas akhir kuliah di Universitas Airlangga, Sabtu (9/4/2011) nanti, wanita yang tercatat sebagai mahasiswi angkatan tahun 2005 Jurusan Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik

Hollywood Celebrity Scandal The hottest and hottest in 2010

Hollywood Celebrity Scandal The hottest and hottest in 2010

World artists and Hollywood actors did not escape the scandal. Starting from infidelity, drugs, divorce, until the sex scandal with a porn star. Some artists who have the hottest and hottest scandal, among other things:

1. Singer Christina Aguilera 'Beautiful' is rumored to use his divorce with Jordan Bratman to promote her latest film 'Burlesque'. At that time, Christina announced plans to divorce before her new movie was released. Whether coincidence or not, the 30-year-old singer was dating Matthew Rutler before her separation from her husband.

2. John Mayer, the singer who many fans this is especially the fair sex, has a wild side in him. John frank about his sexual fantasies. John talked about his dream to write a porn script, imagine how Jessica Simpson in bed, and called his penis' white supremacy. John also had devastating Taylor Swift. John is a bad boy.

3. Katy Perry, dressed too sexy when appearing in the series 'Sesame Street' is most watched by children, these impressions anak.Dalam Katy performed with strict dress slit lower chest.

4. Miley Cyrus, actress and singer Miley Cyrus through his role on the popular Disney series 'Hannah Montana'. Thanks to his acting in the series, Miley a teen idol of the fans of Disney. Image Miley as a teenager a good video directly damaged so he was sucking something circulating on the Internet using a bong.

5. Paris Hilton, besides having a glamorous life, paris often make masalah.Paris again arrested by police for the umpteenth time since caught red-handed possession of cocaine.

Tags: Scandal Hottest Artist and Actor In Hollywood in 2010, Scandal Celebrities hottest in Hollywood in 2010, Hollywood's Hottest Celebrities In the Year 2010, Skandal Artis Dan Aktor Terpanas Di Hollywood Tahun 2010, Skandal Selebriti Terheboh Di Hollywood Tahun 2010, Selebriti Terpanas Hollywood Di Tahun 2010.

Perseteruan Antara Poppy Dengan Machica

Perseteruan Antara Poppy Dengan Machica

Perselisihan antara Machica dengan Poppy sampai saat ini belum ada penyelesaiannya. Machica yang beberapa waktu lalu melaporkan Poppy karena dianggap Poppy telah mencemarkan nama baik dan fitnah terhadap Machica.

Tetapi, sebenarnya kunci dari permasalahan ini terletak dari Moerdiono. Menurut pengacara Machica, permasalahan Machica dengan Poppy akan segera terselesaikan apabila Moerdiono membeberkan semuanya dengan jujur dan info yang akurat.

Memang antara Machica dengan Moerdiono hanya menikah secara siri. Tetapi pernikahan siri menurut syariat Islam telah memenuhi syarat serta rukun hukum pernikahan, walaupun pernikahan tersebut tidak didaftarkan atau dicatatkan ke hukum negara.

Tags : Perselisihan Antara Poppy Dengan Machica, Permasalahan Machica Dengan Poppy Belum Menemui Titik Terang, Machica Melaporkan Poppy Terkait Pencemaran Nama Baik.

Senin, 04 April 2011

Jago Perankan Ibu Tiri, Tamara Ciciel Ingin Jadi Orang Gila

Setiap bintang film punya obsesi peran. Bahkan untuk seorang pendatang baru sekali pun seperti Tamara Ciciel. Setelah membintangi dua buah film, salah satunya horor, Tamara yang mengaku sudah jago memerankan tokoh ibu tiri itu memimpikan dua hal. Apa itu?Ia ingin berperan menjadi orang gila, dan tampil dalam film action. "Kalau untuk berperan adegan-adegan percintaan sih lumayan ya, mungkin

Debby ayu ‘bugil’ di 13 cara memanggil setan

Debby Ayu kembali bikin sensasi. Dalam film terbarunya, 13 Cara Memanggil Setan, ia berani beradegan ‘panas’ hingga nampak bugil. Disebut-sebut, Debby Ayu berani mengambil resiko di film yang bakal rilis di bioskop 7 April 2011 tersebut lantaran honor yang ia terima, lebih besar dari film-film yang sebelumnya ia bintangi.“Bukan hanya faktor honor sih. Ini tuntutan skenario dan merupakan

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Marshanda Akan Belajar Masak Demi Sang Suami

Hidangan lezat adalah salah satu hal yang penting bagi Ben Kasyafani. Karena ingin membahagiakan sang suami, Marshanda pun rela belajar memasak."Aku ingin mengurus Ben, salah satunya dengan belajar masak, aku yang akan masakin dia," ungkap perempuan yang akrab disapa Caca itu usai menggelar akad nikah di Hotel Sofyan Betawi, Jl Cut Meutia, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu (2/4/2011).Walau keduanya

Jumat, 01 April 2011

Sheila Marcia Sakit Hati Disebut Perebut Suami Orang

Artis Sheila Marcia sakit hati dirinya disebut sebagai perebut suami orang. Sheila pun menegaskan kalau dirinya menjalin cinta dengan Kiki Mirano setelah ia pisah dengan sang istri."Sampai di Twitter pun aku dicaci maki, dibilang merebut suami orang aku sakit hati banget. Karena aku punya anak, punya Leticia," ujar Sheila sambil menangis saat ditemui di studio Persari, Jagakarsa, Jakarta

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