Kamis, 14 April 2011

Kate Middleton Has Really Pregnant Before Marriage

Kate Middleton Has Really Pregnant Before Marriage?

Reportedly, Kate Middleton is currently pregnant prior to carrying out his marriage to the Prince. Kate's pregnancy news was rocked the British monarchy, so the kingdom denies that she is currently pregnant. Please note that the grand wedding of Prince William with Kate Middleton in UK more or less stay 2 more weeks.

The bad news is circulated allegedly because her photo pose in a magazine cover was holding his stomach, as if he shows that being pregnant. And gossip, Kate and Prince William would announce her pregnancy after their return from honeymoon.

Pregnancy Kate is likely to be one reason why Prince William quickly want to get engaged to Kate. And the issue, the child she conceived a girl and if the right woman will be named Diana. However, of all the news circulated, from the work insisted denied that she is currently pregnant.

Tags: Kate Middleton Has Reportedly Pregnant, Marriage With Kate Middleton Prince William Very Luxurious, Kate Middleton Reportedly Has Containing Daughter, Kate Middleton Kabarnya Telah Hamil,Pernikahan Pangeran William Dengan Kate Middleton Sangat Mewah,Kate Middleton Kabarnya Telah Mengandung Anak Perempuan,Kabarnya Kate Middleton Telah Hamil Sebelum Menikah.

Catherine Zeta Jones Experiencing Psychological Disorders

Catherine Zeta Jones Experiencing Psychological Disorders

Wife of famous actor Michael Douglas, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones has experienced a fairly severe stress in 2010. Stress experienced by Catherine because she feels sad that her husband had cancer.

Therefore, at this time Catherine reportedly wants to follow psychiatric therapy at a rehabilitation center so he could get perwatan so that stress and depression he suffered soon recover. Actress 41-year-old, reportedly at this time, his condition has begun to recover.

And also at this time Catherine was ready to return to acting as a movie player. The plan, the movie 'Playing The Field' will involve Catherine. In the film, the actress from Wales was going to collide acting by Gerard Butler, Dennis Quaid, Jessica Biel and Uma Thurman

Tags: Catherine Zeta Jones Stress Weight, Catherine Zeta Jones In Homes Rehabilitation, Catherine Zeta Jones Back Acting,Catherine Zeta Jones Stress Berat,Catherine Zeta Jones Di Panti Rehabilitasi,Catherine Zeta Jones Sudah Kembali Berakting.

Julia Perez (Jupe) Akan Sekolah Lagi Ambil S2

Julia Perez (Jupe) Akan Sekolah Lagi Ambil S2

Kekasih pesepakbola Gaston Castano, Jupe ingin melanjutkan pendidikannya di jenjang S2. Aktris Julia Perez (Jupe) ingin menjadi perempuan yang cerdas seperti politikus Evita Peron. Jupe menginginkan dirinya menjadi sosok yang pintar,cerdas dan menjadi perempuan Indonesia yang bisa dibanggakan dalam bidang pendidikan dan tidak diremehkan.

Julia Perez ingin seperti idolanya, yaitu Evita Peron sosok yang pintar dan cerdas. Evita Peron adalah istri kedua Mantan Presiden Argentina Juan Domingo Perón yang memiliki pengaruh besar. Evita Peron pernah beberapa kali menjabat sebagai menteri di negaranya, dan bisa memimpin pembentukan Partai Peronis Perempuan yang merupakan partai politik perempuan pertama di negaranya. Namun, sampai saat ini Jupe belum mau membeberkan jurusan apa yang nanti akan ia pilih dan kampus untuk dirinya menimba ilmu.

Julia Perez mempunyai cita cita bahwa apabila ia telah menimba ilmu lagi, maka Jupe ingin agar ilmu yang dimilikinya bisa berguna untuk dirinya sendiri dan orang lain. Selain itu ia juga akan menggunakan ilmu tersebut untuk memajukan daerah, dan bersaing dengan lawan politiknya jika suatu saat terjun di kancah politik.

Tags : Jupe Kuliah Lagi Ambil S2,Julia Perez Akan Sekolah S2,Julia Perez Akan Terjun Ke Dunia Politik,Julia Perez Ingin Seperti Evita Peron.

Rabu, 13 April 2011

Mariah Carey And The Husband Doing Nude Photos

Mariah Carey And The Husband Doing Nude Photos

Mariah Carey performs two nude photo session, first session sendiran Mariah posing naked, while the second session Mariah posed with her ​​husband, Nick Cannon. Mariah is now 42 years old, said in a magazine posing with naked and holding his stomach, while the husbandcovered the his chest Mariah ,Mariah reportedly pregnant and the unborn child is a twin .

Recently her husband Nick has given a Rolls-Royce Phantom car to Mariah. Nick's surprise gift given to Mariah Mariah is very happy. The car was given to Mariah at the time of last Christmas, and the car is worth Rp 3.5 billion.

Cars with license plates 'mommyMC' given Nick at the time Mariah has become his wife. Rolls-Royce Phantom is one of the most luxurious car in the world. The car was a car idol of Hollywood celebrities. And now Mariah is waiting for the presence of twins.

Tags: Mariah Carey Containing Twins, Mariah Carey Nick Cannon Married With, Gift Car Rolls-Royce Phantom Of Nick Cannon for Mariah Carey, Mariah Carey Nude Photos With The husband, Mariah Carey And Her husband Doing Nude Photos, Mariah Carey Mengandung Anak Kembar,Mariah Carey Menikah Dengan Nick Cannon,Hadiah Mobil Rolls-Royce Phantom Dari Nick Cannon Untuk Mariah Carey,Foto Bugil Mariah Carey Dengan Sang Suami,Mariah Carey Dan Suaminya Melakukan Foto Bugil.

Risty Tagor Telah Melahirkan Anak Perempuan

Risty Tagor Telah Melahirkan Anak Perempuan

Gosipnya, Risty Tagor telah melahirkan anak pertamanya dengan jenis kelamin perempuan. Namun, sampai saat ini belum ada konfirmasi dari pihak keluarga Risty kepada publik. Apabila gosip bahwa Risty telah melahirkan adalah benar, maka memang keinginan Risty untuk cepat - cepat punya momongan akhirnya kesampaian juga.

Risty yang lahir pada tanggal 12 April 1989 memang menikah dengan Rifky Baweel dalam usia yang masih muda yaitu 20 tahun. Dan Risty juga pernah mengungkapkan bahwa ia ingin segera punya anak, karena selama ini Risty memang dikenal sangat menyukai anak kecil

Sampai saat ini baik Risty maupun suaminya Rifky belum dapat memberikan konfirmasi mengenai kabar kelahiran anak pertama mereka, tapi kabarnya memang Risty telah melahirkan secara caesar.

Tags : Risty Tagor Telah Melahirkan, Risty Tagor Menikah Dengan Rifky Baweel, Kabarnya Risty Tagor Telah Menyiapkan Persalinan, Anak Risty Tagor Berjenis Kelamin Perempuan, Risty Tagor Melahirkan Secara Caesar.

Senin, 11 April 2011

Risty Tagor Maternity Child

Risty Tagor Maternity Child

Getting married on October 2, 2010, artist and pesinetron Risty Tagor reportedly will soon give birth to her first child on Mother and Child Hospital UB Kebayoran Baru South Jakarta. Risty who is married to handsome actor Rifky this Baweel, reportedly are currently awaiting the birth of her child on Mother and Child Hospital of the UB. However, when confirmed, the hospital refused to give details.

From the family Risty has been no information about the child's birth Risty, so the hospital can not give more details because there is no party Risty family or the husband, young actor Rifky Baweel who contact the hospital. To provide a description should be no agreement between the hospital management with family Risty. But until now there is no any information from family or from her husband Rifky Risty Baweel.

Tags : Risty Tagor Melahirkan Anak Pertamanya, Risty Tagor Menikah Dengan Rifky Baweel, Artis Muda Risty Tagor Menikah Dengan aktor muda Rifky Baweel, Risty Tagor Maternity Children First, Risty Tagor Married With Rifky Baweel, Young Artist Risty Tagor Married With young actor Rifky Baweel.

Ozzy Osbourne Reportedly Will Loss of House

Ozzy Osbourne Reportedly Will Loss of House

Ozzy Osbourne is a singer fronted the legendary heavy metal band Black Sabbath, today reported that he was delinquent income taxes for two years. Over the past two years Ozzy tax arrears amounting to Rp 16 billion. As a result, Ozzy will be at risk of losing his home.

According to the news, Ozzy and his wife, Sharon Osbourne owes 440 thousand pounds in 2008. And for the next year, their tax debt amounting to 626 thousand pounds, so the total debt of about Rp 16 billion.

The celebrity couple Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne has been named the richest celebrity couples in the UK with a total net worth of around Rp 1.42 trillion. Both are known to do good, and like the member to the beggars and the poor.

Tags : Penyanyi Legendaris Ozzy Osbourne Menunggak Pajak, Penyanyi Legendaris Ozzy Osbourne Akan Kehilangan Rumahnya,Pentolan ‘Black Sabbath’ Ozzy Osbourne Terancam Kehilangan Rumah,
Legendary singer Ozzy Osbourne Tax arrears, Legendary singer Ozzy Osbourne Will Losing His home, frontman 'Black Sabbath' Ozzy Osbourne Threatened Loss of Houses.

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Akui Foto Seronok, Sheila Marcia Minta Maaf

Foto seronok perempuan mirip Sheila Marcia beredar di sebuah forum internet. Sheila akhirnya mengakui, memang dirinya di foto itu. Beredar tiga foto Sheila yang lumayan seronok. Satu foto berisi posenya dengan seorang lelaki, mereka seolah tengah melakukan seks dengan gaya doggy style. Keduanya berpakaian lengkap.

Anand Releasing Aurelle Willing To Go To Dilli Following Krisdayanti

Anand Releasing Aurelle Willing To Go To Dilli Following Krisdayanti

Anang Hermansyah, KD ex-husband finally willing to release his daughter, Aurelle went to Dilli to follow her mother after KD married. Aurelle asked the father, Anang to allow Aurelle stay at home and Raul at Dilli Krisdayanti, and Anand allowed.

Aurelle hopes to eventually go to Dilli, because Aurelle can not wait to visit Dili, because the word mother ever tell you about the beauty of the city of Dili. For example, beautiful scenery, there are beaches, and malls are also very nice and cool.

And now Aurelle deeply missed once with his mother, knowing already more than a week Aurelle not yet met with her mother.

Tags : Setelah KD menikah Anang setuju Aurelle menginap di Dilli, Anang Rela Aurelle menyusul KD ke Dilli,Pernikahan KD Membuat Anang Setuju Aurelle Pergi ke Dilli,After KD married Aurelle Anand agreed to stay at Dilli, Anand Real Aurelle following the KD to Dilli, KD Making Marriage Anand Agree Aurelle Go to Dilli.

Rabu, 06 April 2011

The Section Jupe Rival Is Feeling Malinda Dee

The Section Jupe Rival Is Feeling Malinda Dee

Artist sexy Julia Perez, who is also known as one of the artist is always to look sexy, feel unrivaled since the burglary case made ​​by credit card Malinda Dee is busy discussed.

Jupe feel so far no one rival, he said, Malinda isis basin ,take the money of Rp 17 billion has spelled boom sex ,while Jupe should pursue a new career for 4 years spelled boom sex .

Gaston Castano footballer lover was always maintain body shape and appearance, which Jupe do is always keep the diet and regular exercise. And Jupe also always be grateful because it has a proportionate body.

Tags: Feeling Jupe rivaled Malinda Dee, Love Jupe 'Gaston Castano', Beloved Jupe A Football Players, Jupe Who Has The Sexy Body Shape, Artist Boom Sex 'Jupe',Jupe Merasa Disaingi Malinda Dee, Kekasih Jupe 'Gaston Castano', Kekasih Jupe Seorang Pemain Bola,Jupe Yang Mempunyai Bentuk Tubuh Yang Seksi,Artis Boom Sex 'Jupe'.

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